The Salvesen Mindroom Centre Research Centre team at the University of Edinburgh would like to say thank you to everyone from the Glasgow ADHD groups that volunteered to help us pilot our new study looking at learning in children with ADHD. Now this pilot study has been completed we are starting the official recruitment stage of the project.
This study is looking at the relationship between how children with ADHD remember things and pay attention and how they do in maths and literacy including reading, spelling and writing. There is a suggestion in research that memory and attention may be linked to how children with ADHD learn these subjects. We are looking to improve our understanding of this and to tackle the difficulties many of these children face in their learning.
In this next phase of the project we are looking to recruit around 120 children aged 6-12 years referred to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), focusing on the North CAMHS team in Edinburgh. We also hope to extend this study to other CAMHS teams in the very near future.